

Help! How to lower Thanksgiving stress

Posted at 12:58 PM, Nov 23, 2016
and last updated 2016-11-23 17:18:52-05

Thanksgiving can be very stressful as many prepare large meals, travel long distances or worry about potential family conflicts.

How can we make Thanksgiving less stressful?
Thanksgiving can be stressful especially for the host. Deciding what to make, cleaning your house and cooking dinner can feel overwhelming even before you begin. There are many ways to have a happier thanksgiving. I’d recommend you make side dishes today so you have less to do tomorrow.  Also delegate tasks to family members. It’s not too late to ask them to bring a dish, or they can help set-up and clear the dinner table.

What are your prescriptions?
Holiday stress is unpredictable but there are ways to manage it.

Partha’s RX
1. Know your limits
Don’t say yes to everything. Draw the line at what is an acceptable amount of responsibility for you.

2. Don’t set your standard too high
Nothing needs to be perfect including dinner. It’s about everyone enjoying time together.

3. Minimize Your Alcohol
It’s not good for your health and may contribute to unhealthy conversations so don’t make it an all-day affair.   

4. If you feel stressed out, take a few minutes to breathe deeply
It slows your heart rate down and lowers your blood pressure.

We all have family members we may not want to spend time with, how can someone deal with that?
Not all family members get along.  Best thing you can do is manage your own thinking and control how you react. Try to be understanding and open-minded. If conversations get tense, more to another room or take a short walk.  Remember thanksgiving is about compassion and gratitude. Keep your mind focused on appreciation for what you have in life. You’ll be more forgiving towards others.