
Mend on the Move trying to raise money to create mobile art studio

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A metro Detroit non-profit is empowering and employing women who are survivors of abuse and addiction by helping them create hand-crafted jewelry from small auto parts.

Mend on the Move says the idea is to provide them with an income while they are in a recovery program.

The organization just launched a five-week CrowdRise campaign to raise $60,000 that will be used to retrofit a mobile art studio. The money is needed to rebuild and customize a 30-foot motorhome that was donated in 2017.

“The mobile studio will expand our ability to provide more jobs to women at recovery homes, provide a permanent workspace and serve as a retail space to sell the jewelry the women design and create,” said Mend founder Joanne Ewald.

“We’re hoping there are corporations and individuals who are moved to donate,” said Ewald. “We’re grateful for all contributions and have a variety of incentives for larger donors.” 

These include:

  • $100 donation = Love in Motion T-shirt
  • $200 donation = Leather jewelry wrap created by Better Life Bags
  • $500 = Your name included on commemorative display inside the mobile studio