SOUTHFIELD, Mich. (WXYZ) — A geomagnetic storm watch is in effect for Wednesday through Friday. The cause is a series of coronal mass ejections from the sun that started Aug. 14.
The first one got to earth Wednesday, but the activity should increase with the peak being very early Thursday morning through sunrise. It is expected to increase to a level three geometric storm.
What that means for us is that we have a slight chance to see the northern lights Thursday morning, especially during those last couple hours of dark before sunrise.

So, if you are an early riser, get to a dark and open spot where you can observe the sky. It usually takes your eyes about a half hour to adjust to the dark.
The other part of you having a chance to see the northern lights is if the weather cooperates, of course. It does look like skies should be fairly clear during peak time, but that may help some fog to form.
If that happens, then the fog will disperse the skylight and make it harder to see the northern lights. We are on the very southern edge of a possible sighting.
So, you take your chances getting up early Thursday morning, but it is the best chance we have had in a while.