

State audit: No evidence of voter fraud in Detroit

Posted at 4:43 PM, Jan 27, 2017
and last updated 2017-01-27 16:49:48-05

There is no evidence of voter fraud surrounding the presidential election in Detroit. That is the result of the a state audit.

Detroit City Clerk Janice Winfrey says the audit shows no wrong-doing when it comes to the voting process that took place this past November.

But there were some issues of human errors and machines malfunctioning.

Now there is a plan in place to prevent that.

"This office administered the presidential election in accordance with the spirit and intent of state election laws, vindicating the Detroit department of elections of any wrongdoings," Winfrey explained.

The audit did find some issues of human error and machines malfunctioning.

Wayne County was one of the last in the nation to release presidential election results and during the requested recount, a number of discrepancies were found in Detroit.

Winfrey says voting devices are more than ten years old, causing some problems.

In fact, 87 of the 490 precinct voting machines malfunctioned.

Now, the city will be receiving 700 new voting devices in time for this year's municipal election.

The state will pay 80 PERCENT of the cost - and the rest will be split between the county and city.

Director of Elections Daniel Baxter said, "We anticipate our cost to be somewhere right around $1.6 million for the city of Detroit."

There will be a new process when it comes to training poll workers.

Poll workers will be required to train on a quarterly basis each year, instead of once before the election.

Winfrey also called the state's recount law outdated because it doesn't account for human error, something she plans to lobby the state to change.

"Our average age of our poll workers is somewhere between 65 to 70 year old and at the end of a 14,16 hour day," she added. "They are tired. But they have to close out properly and in doing so they may make mistakes. The rest of the country expect for two other states allow for human error."

When we asked Winfrey's response to President Donald Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud she said the audit speaks for itself, "there was no fraudulent activity in Detroit."

They also plan on reaching out to younger, tech savvy people to help out on election days.

They will ask the state, county and local governments to allow public employees to take a day off on election days to assist with voting and ballot tabulation.