A fire destroyed a 3 story-apartment building in Inkster early Saturday morning and sent six people to the hospital.
Firefighters got the call around midnight. Upon arrival they saw heavy smoke coming from the building and saw residents jumping out the second and third story windows. One resident used a bed sheet as a climbing rope.
Firefighters say a total of six people were injured: Five were taken to hospital and one in critical condition was airlifted.
About a dozen people inside the burning building in total including 2 kids. The kids are safe and with family.
According to officials, displaced residents were given other apartments on the property to sleep in temporarily.
A resident told firefighters he thought he smelled something burning in the dumpster adjacent to the building. The exact cause is being investigated.
This is a complex with multiple small apartment buildings. One building burned. The others appear fine, and the non-injured residents were given places to stay for the night in other apartments.