When it comes to red meat, I get asked all the time whether it’s healthy or not. At the Nandi household, we often have meatless meals, emphasizing veggies and fish. However, red meat has nutritional value. It contains vitamins and minerals like B-3 and zinc. It’s also high in heme-iron, vitamin B-6, and selenium. On the flip side, red meat is linked to heart disease, diverticulitis and cancer. Because of this, there’s been a drop in how much Americans eat meat over the last 4 decades.
The World Health Organization published a report back in 2015 that said red meat is probably carcinogenic to humans. They looked at over 800 studies and found a 50-gram portion of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18 percent. They found links to increased risks for pancreatic and prostate cancers.
There are no dietary guidelines on how much red meat to eat. But the American Institute for Cancer Research recommends no more than 18 ounces of cooked red meats every week. So I recommend that when it comes to meat, please enjoy in moderation. Here are my prescriptions:
Partha’s RX:
1. Choose lean cuts of meat. For poultry, chose white meat with no skin. For beef chose round, chuck, sirloin and tenderloin. For pork, chose tenderloin and lion chops.
2. Trim off any visible fat. If you buy ground beef in a package, select the highest percentage of lean meat available, at least 90 percent or higher.
3. Don’t char your meat. Also avoid high temperatures as this can also produce carcinogens.
4. Try different proteins that are not meat based. Beans, lentils, soy, eggs, fish and nuts are all great meat alternatives.
Heart disease is the number one killer here in the United States. There have been numerous studies linking red meat to bad heart health but there are also studies that challenge this too. But an unhealthy diet, high in saturated fat and cholesterol is a well-known risk factor for heart disease. Your best bet is to eat red meat in moderation and try a plant-based diet. It can be delicious and there are many health benefits associated with it.