DETROIT (WXYZ) — The City of Detroit announced major updates to help eligible homeowners with their current and delinquent property taxes.
The first update is that the Pay as You stay (PAYS) program has been extended to Sept. 15 for Detroit homeowners with delinquent property taxes. To become eligible for PAYS, residents must first apply for the City’s Homeowners Property Tax Assistance Program (HPTAP) and be approved. To learn more about eligibility requirements and enrollment, visit
Resident can also apply online for the Homeowner's Property Tax Assistance Program (HPTAP). Previously, those interested in the program had to submit applications in person or by mail. Apply at
Lastly, the Quicken Loans Community Fund is partnering with the City of Detroit and 14 nonprofit organizations to provide assistance to residents with the e-HPTAP or paper HTAP applications. For a list of participating organizations providing assistance, go to