UPDATE: Snyder responded to the co-chairs of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform saying he does not believe there is any reason to clarify his sworn testimony.
"My testimony was truthful and I stand by it," he said. "I have specifically reviewed the question and my answer referenced in your letter. While you have offered for me to clarify my sworn testimony, I do not believe there is any reason to do so."
Governor Rick Snyder has been given two weeks to reply to allegations that he may have committed Perjury to Congress in his testimony in the Flint Water Crisis.
The letter went to the Governor today from the co-chairs of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
- Did Gov. Snyder lie under oath in Flint water crisis, Congress wants answers
- When did Snyder know about Flint Legionnaires? Testimony raises questions
- March 2016: Governor Snyder tells Congress MDEQ misled him on Flint water
Governor Snyder testified on March 17, 2016 that he was told about an outbreak in Legionnaires Disease in Flint in January of 2016.
But, in testimony from Harvey Hollins in Flint in the criminal case against Nick Lyon the Director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Hollins testified he told Governor Snyder in December of 2015 on the phone.
Letter to Gov. Snyder by WXYZ-TV Channel 7 Detroit on Scribd
The letter to the Governor says he can provide any "additional relevant information: he has, or "chose to amend or supplement your testimony." The letter also quotes that statute that defines Perjury.
Flint Congressman Dan Kildee Statement on Oversight Committee Letter to Governor Snyder:
“I am pleased that the Oversight Committee has taken swift action to look into the Governor’s conflicting statements. I have spoken with both Chairman Gowdy and Ranking Member Cummings and they agree that misleading Congress is a very serious offense.
“Flint families deserve to know the truth about when the Governor first learned of the Legionnaires’ outbreak. Justice for Flint families comes in many forms, including holding those in state government who created the crisis accountable.”