(WXYZ) — Amid the surging COVID-19 cases across Michigan, Beaumont Health has announced it has expanded its COVID units at all of their hospital sites.
According to a press release from the health system, the number of COVID-positive or suspected positive in-patients at Beaumont grew from 128 on Feb. 28 to more than 500 patients on Tuesday.
“As we experience Michigan’s third COVID-19 surge, the Beaumont Health team will use everything we have learned while treating the most COVID-19 patients in Michigan to again provide the best care possible,” said John Fox, president and CEO of Beaumont Health, in a press release. “Please continue to wear your mask, wash your hands, avoid large gatherings and practice social distancing while we work together to respond to the latest surge. Vaccinations are helping, but we are not there yet. We need to stay vigilant to protect our families, friends and communities. For now, the virus is moving faster than the vaccinations.”
Beaumont also noted their "System Labor Pool" has been reconvened, which connects Beaumont Human Resources and clinical staff from each hospital daily to help provide additional support to staff, and that their Incident Command Centers remain active at all hospitals.

Fully-vaccinated visitors are also now being welcomed for patients who do not have or are not suspected of having COVID-19. Visitors must be 14 days past their final dose and show their Vaccination Record Card as proof, according to the hospital. They will also need to bring photo identification. Beaumont says a photo of a completed, office Vaccination Record Card will also be accepted. All visitors will be required to wear masks.
“We know that we’re one of the first health care systems allowing vaccinated visitors,” said Fox. “But we recognize that patients recuperate better when they have someone dear to them nearby. So, we are working hard to balance safety with compassionate family support as we lead the way through the pandemic.”
Additional Coronavirus information and resources:
View a global coronavirus tracker with data from Johns Hopkins University.
See complete coverage on our Coronavirus Continuing Coverage page.
Visit our The Rebound Detroit, a place where we are working to help people impacted financially from the coronavirus. We have all the information on everything available to help you through this crisis and how to access it.