DETROIT (WXYZ) — The City of Detroit is planning to step up efforts to address flooding in the Jefferson Chalmers area, citing historic water levels.
According to a release from the city, workers have been out in the neighborhood clearing storm drains, assessing problem areas and helping to place more barriers. Depsite the efforts, street and home flooding is still a major problem in some areas.
The city announced it will manage the short term effort to keep waters out of the neighborhood by preparing and placing thousands more sand bags in areas identified as low spots along the seawall and banks. The city is using its employees and contracted workers to place the bags.
An emergency order has been issued for allowing city workers to access properties to place the sandbags. Homeowners who remove the sand bags will be fined $500.
“While they may pose an inconvenience, the bags we are placing are to help protect residents’ homes and removing them at this time would allow the flood waters to pour into the neighborhood,” said Chief Operating Officer Hakim Berry in a release.