

Does the zipper merge method work? MDOT is testing it

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(WXYZ) — MDOT is trying to ease the busy Michigan construction season with a new merge method.

According to WJRT, MDOT says the zipper merge could ease traffic and make driving through the zones go quicker.

"The idea behind the zipper merge is an idea of advanced signing that lets drivers know they can stay in the open available lanes now-- and gives you an actual point where it says, 'merge now'," MDOT Bay Region's Jocelyn Hall said to WJRT.

Drivers often merge as soon as they see the first sign. MDOT says it creates a bigger backup than there should be.

"By keeping traffic traveling in both of the open lanes, it keeps backs up from extending so far," said Hall told WJRT. "That can be frustrating for drivers to sit in bumper to bumper traffic, that's an aggravating feeling for them."

The zipper method only works if drivers obey the signs and allow the closing lane to merge when needed.

According to WJRT, the method is being tested on two projects in western Michigan.