

Sole survivor of fatal arson fire wants cards


Her Facebook page is called Safyre Schenectady's Super Survivor.

Safyre Terry is the sole survivor of the blaze that killed her family two years ago. Safyre, now 8, has endured many surgeries for burns over 75 percent of her body.

A simple post about Safyre has gone viral. It was asking people to take the time to send Safyre a Christmas card so she could hang it on her card tree. 

Her custodial aunt, Liz Dolder, told the Associated Press Tuesday that Safyre was "over the moon" when the first card arrived. But Dolder said the family was unlikely to receive enough cards to fill the card tree.

Dolder posted a photo of Safyre on Facebook and told of her wish. She's been deluged with responses.

Dolder says "it's just magical. She's so excited."

The address for cards is P.O. Box 6126, Schenectady, NY, 12306.


I wonder how many of my friends would take the time to write and send Sa'fyre a Merry Christmas card that she can hang on her card tree....Safyre P.O. Box 6126Schenectady NY 12306

Posted by Kevin Clark on Friday, December 4, 2015


Alright maniacs let's make Safyre's Christmas Dream come true! All she wants is Christmas Cards from around the world,...

Posted by Hulk Hogan on Tuesday, December 8, 2015



BELIEVE BELIEVE BELIEVE She did. When she said she can't wait to fill up the card tree my response was I don't think it'...

Posted by Safyre Schenectady's Super Survivor on Tuesday, December 8, 2015