DETROIT (WXYZ) — Drinking water testing results revealed that the lead in Detroit water is under the EPA lead action level.
Fifty-five homes were tested citywide under the revised Michigan Lead and Copper Rule, the most stringent in the nation. Of those 55, 54 had lead results below the action level. Only one home tested above the action level. DWSD is working with the homeowner to minimize lead in the drinking water.
According to a news release, the Detroit Water and Sewarage Department has been replacing lead service lines when it is on the same street replacing water mains.
”We want to assure Detroiters the water supplied by DWSD is safe for drinking,” said Gary Brown, DWSD director, in a news release. “The water leaving Detroit’s water treatment plants, operated by the Great Lakes Water Authority, does not contain lead. The primary sources of lead in water are lead service lines, lead solder, and/or fixtures containing lead in the home.
DWSD says it has replaced more than 500 lead service lines over the past year.
"We know that the presence of lead in decaying paint and dust is the number one source of lead poisoning in children living in homes that were built before 1978," said Detroit's Chief Public Health Officer Denise Fair. "Therefore, we recommend that if you have any concerns regarding lead exposure – to request a lead test from your child’s primary health care provider or contact the Detroit Health Department.”