A local author has rolled out a monthly children's book subscription where your kids are the stars of the story.
Charlie Wollborg has years of experience telling his children bed time stories.
Now, he is sharing those tales but your kids can be the main characters.
"Stories bring people together," he said. "Stories hep kids learn to read and foster their imagination."
His brand is called Moka Boka: The Toy Bot Takeover.
Charlie created a monthly subscription of the book series, where the main characters, leave off on a cliff-hanger and pick up the story the next month.
Charlie's two sons help create the story line.
They would tell him, "Hey dad, I had a great dream, what if in the next book Fritz Pinkle McStinkle gets beaten by the kids with a gun drop."
The first page will have a personalized dedication.
You can pick the skin tone, hair color and styles to match your children.
"On the cover it always lists the names of the kids as well as their face on the book."
Right now, there are only two characters to fill.
Charlie wants to add more options when it comes to character features.
He also hopes to have more characters and pets to include the whole family.
"Eventually we would like to be able to add more options with that."
Each book comes with a blank book so your children can be inspired to write and draw their own stories.
For more information - go to https://mokaboka.com/.