

Menopause symptoms bringing you down? Try yoga

Posted at 3:11 PM, Jan 01, 2018
and last updated 2018-01-03 17:11:34-05

I see that many women tend to struggle with some of the uncomfortable symptoms that come along with menopause. Menopause is the state that women reach usually between their late forties and early fifties when their bodies stop making reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone. 

These changing hormone levels can lead to a host of uncomfortable symptoms. Among the most common are hot flashes, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, depression and an erratic menstrual cycle. 

Now here’s the good news for all you women out there who might be suffering from one or all of these symptoms — there’s an easy thing you can do to help alleviate many of them. It’s called yoga. 

A recent study looked at more than thirteen hundred women and found that yoga was an incredibly effective tool to deal with most of the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. I’ve seen what it can do for people, and I’m a big proponent.

So if you’re struggling through this period of your life, maybe it’s time to give yoga a shot.  Here are my prescriptions:

Partha’s Rx

  1. Take the time to search out the right yoga studio for you. There are many different kinds of yoga. Find a style that suits your needs. 
  2. Don’t push it. The great thing about yoga is that it’s relatively easy on the body compared to other types of exercise. 
  3. An easy way to begin is to sit cross-legged with your back straight. Now close your eyes. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth, three times.
  4. Give yourself a break. Don’t compare yourself to others. Improvements will come with time.

I promise that if you practice yoga and begin to make it a part of your life, you will see benefits. It’s great for the mind and the body, and it can help you cope with some of the more difficult changes that come along with menopause. You need not get too fancy either. Start simply, and it won’t take long to reap the rewards.