

Officials designate new 'Pure Michigan' trails, communities

Posted at 11:11 AM, Feb 22, 2020
and last updated 2020-02-24 09:27:58-05

LANSING, MICH. (AP) — State officials have recognized three trails as “Pure Michigan Trails” because they provide access to high-quality scenic views.

They also designated three communities as “Pure Michigan Trail Towns." The label refers to towns or cities along trail routes that provide vibrant experiences for users.

The designations were announced last week during the Governor’s Conference on Tourism in Grand Rapids.

The Canada Lakes Pathway in Luce County, the historic Haywire Grade in Schoolcraft and Alger counties and the Kal-Haven Trail in Van Buren and Kalamazoo counties joined the ranks of Pure Michigan Trails.

Cheboygan, Reed City and Oakland County's Orion Township were added to the roster of Pure Michigan Trail Towns.

“With four seasons of trail recreation fun available, Michigan truly is home to a variety of great trails and trail towns,” said Paul Yauk, DNR state trails coordinator.

He said the trails and towns receiving Pure Michigan designation provide some of the state's elite trail experiences, promote healthy lifestyles, conserve natural and cultural resources and boost local economies.