

Open enrollment begins at today

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In Michigan, many may not be aware of the upcoming open enrollment period as advertising has been cut by 90 percent, and budgets for the groups that have helped consumers choose a plan have been slashed across the country.

The open enrollment period has also been cut in half, to six weeks.

After multiple failed repeal-and-replace attempts, the marketplace for people looking to purchase health insurance plans for 2018 will open for the fifth year beginning November 1st. Open enrollment will wrap up on Dec. 15th this year — if you miss the cut, but qualify due to a lost job, or lost health insurance through a family member, you may still be able to sign up.

If you are uninsured, purchase individual coverage or think that your employer provided coverage is inadequate you can shop for coverage on the federal Health Insurance marketplace to compare benefit plans.

For those who have purchased insurance through the marketplace in the past, they are likely to notice a rise in costs unless they’re shielded by subsides. According to the Department of Insurance and Financial Services in Michigan the average premium is expected to go up 27-percent in Michigan.

It should be noted that 80-percent of customers still qualify for tax credits.

The site went live earlier this month, meaning those who are expected to shop for insurance can begin to compare plans now.


* This is the official website being used for the open enrollment. You can also call 1 (800) 318-2596 to talk with someone by phone, or to request help connecting with a trained assister, or broker that can meet in person to discuss open enrollment.

* This website will connect you with helpful information with the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services. You can review plans, ask questions, and find a variety of background information on the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, and everything else tied to insurance — you can even file a complaint about your insurance company.