October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Real Men Wear Pink is a national campaign that picks local ambassadors to wear something pink everyday for the month.
"I was selected as one of 22 Real Men Wear Pink ambassadors throughout Metro Detroit," said Lt. Mike Shaw.
When you see Shaw on the news, he is representing Michigan State Police.
Everyday this month, he and the other ambassadors will wear pink to raise awareness about breast cancer.
"For me, that's a little difficult considering what my job is. 99% of the time I'm in uniform, so I've done things to my new uniform to add pink to that as well."
Our own Dr. Partha Nandi is another participant of the Real Men Wear Pink campaign.
As ambassadors, they have to upload their pink items everyday on social media.
Shaw said, "We at MSP are always involved in community. We've always been involved in charity."
State Police have been selling bracelets to raise money for the cause.
"My goal was to get $2,500 and we surpassed that even before October came along. We are at the $5,000 mark now and we hope to continue on," he explained. "We are also proud right now that we are leading the entire country, all 22 ambassadors, in fundraising as far as breast cancer research goes."
You can see Lt. Mike Shaw and the other ambassadors in action at the Making Strides event on October 8th.
To make a donation, log onto: http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?fr_id=78182&pg=entry&_ga=1.172059363.1587285011.1475264459