

Tinsley-Talabi linked to corruption case


The long running Detroit City Hall Corruption probe may be turning its attention to another former City Council member.

A Sentencing Memorandum for George Stanton, the former Chief of Staff of Alberta Tinsley-Talabi, includes references to possible criminal activity by the former councilwoman.

Stanton cooperated with the federal investigation into bribes and kickbacks at city hall and with the pension fund case.

Tinsley-Talabi is now a State Representative for the 2nd District. She also served as a Trustee got the Detroit Police and Fire Retirement System.

In the Sentencing Memorandum for Stanton, federal prosecutors write that “Stanton passed on to (Anmar) Sarafa directions from Tinsley-Talabi.” Among those directions was that $3,000 needed to be donated to her political campaign.

The federal prosecutors also write that Tinsley-Talabi “directed Sarafa should give money to former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s Civic Fund in order to secure the votes of Treasurer Jeffrey Beasley and the votes of the mayoral bloc.”

The federal prosecutors write that Sarafa followed the instruction and donated to Tinsley-Talabi’s campaign, the Civic Fund and the DPOA.

It is not clear yet if Tinsley-Talabi is a target of the federal investigation. She has not commented on the allegations contained in the Sentencing Memorandum.

Thirty-eight people have been convicted as part of the corruption probe.