

School safety dominates discussion at Detroit Policy Conference


The Detroit Regional Chamber hosted the Detroit Policy Conference at Motor City Casino.

There were many topics discussed involving Detroit's community and economy, but it all centered around the word "civility."

Can a culture of civility help Detroit thrive? That's the question organizers asked.

One of the bigger subjects discussed was school shootings and if arming teachers in schools is the answer.

The Detroit Policy Conference is meant to bring people from different sides and walks of life together to discuss the issues facing the city. More than 60 speakers took to the stage on topics, including Detroit losing the bid for Amazon's second headquarters.

When Detroit Police Chief James Craig and Detroit Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Nikolai Vitte spoke to the audience, the discussion of school shootings came up.

Craig is in favor of arming some teachers in schools, who have an extensive amount of experience in handling guns.

He explained,"It should be a rigorous background and it should be rigorous training on how to respond to a threat in a school environment."

But, Superintendent Vitti disagrees

"Completely against this, categorically against this, we will not be supportive of this and we oppose any federal or state laws that would suggest that teachers should be armed," Vitti said.

Both sides said sharing a stage with opposing views can help find a solution.

"Disagreement is good," the chief said. "We should be about a community that can disagree in a civil manner because somewhere we will find common ground."

Vitti added, "Have the conversation, let the public know the facts and the rationale between both positions and then decide accordingly."