

Miller updates Macomb County Board of Commissioners on Fraser sinkhole

and last updated

Macomb County Public Works Commissioner Candice Miller has updated the situation surrounding the Fraser sewer collapse/sinkhole.

Miller spoke to the Board of Commissioners during a special meeting at Friday at 3:00 p.m. She invited them to tour the site and meet with Michigan's congressional leaders on Sunday.

They will be briefed by the engineers working on the site.

This was the first time the Board has been briefed on the situation since it was discovered in December.

The board voted to extend the State of Emergency until February 9th, the next board meeting.

Miller said the getting the funding to fix the collapsed sewer line is at hand.

"Obviously, everybody shares a consternation and compassion about the people who are impacted, as well we share a lot of consternation about the financial, our ability financially to pay for this,” said Miller.

 The cost will likely be more than $100 million and it could all fall on taxpayers, if no federal or state funds are made available.

"We're going to have to decide if we're going to do a stretch of this pipe and fix what we have or if we want to do a preventative repair long term for the rest of the pipe,” said Miller.

The sewer line serves about 600,000 customers on a daily basis for the entire county.

"It's the main interceptor in Macomb County,” said Miller.
"It's kind of an all hands on deck, we're going to be looking at every source of financing that we possibly can,” said Miller.

Of the 23 homes that were evacuated after the sinkhole, only three are condemned.

Miller said she wants to work with those homeowners to buy their homes, so the issue doesn’t go to court.