

Farmington Board of Ed discusses school closures


The Farmington School District is holding a community forum to discuss the closure of several school facilities.

It is being held at Harrison High School on W. 12 Mile Road.

The meeting comes on the heels of a report by the Building and Site Utilization Committee that recommended the closure or repurpusing of several facilities.

Among the facilities facing repurpose or closure are:

  • Beechview Elementary School 
  • Highmeadow Common Campus
  • Kenbrook Elementary School 
  • Warner Upper Elementary School
  • Dunckel Middle School 
  • Harrison High School

Three other meetings are also scheduled for the Board of Education to receive feedback from the community. They are scheduled for:

  • Saturday, September 12 10 a.m. Maxfield Education Center, 32789 W. Ten Mile Rd, Farmington
  • Monday, September 21 7 p.m. North Farmington High School, 32900 W. 13 Mile Rd., Farmington Hills
  • Monday, September 28 7 p.m. Farmington High School, 32000 Shiawassee, Farmington