

Young animal lovers donate to help pets in fires


The student groups at Allen Park High School are frequently involved in helping the community. Recently, young animal advocates that belong to one particular group were thanked by city leaders for their donation to help save pets that are rescued from fires.

Students involved in the school's Allen Park Animal Welfare group, known as A.P.A.W., held fundraisers to collect about $600 that they used to buy five sets of oxygen masks that are specifically designed to use on animals.

The students sold candy, flower seeds and bulbs to raise the money needed to put a set of various sized masks on each of the fire department's rigs.

Click on the video player above to see their story and the difference fire officials say the masks will make in saving pets.

If anyone would like to help the student group in their future endeavors to help animals, checks can be mailed to Allen Park High School, 18401 Champaign Road, Allen Park, MI, 48101.

Checks can be made out to Allen Park High School, and please put "A.P.A.W." in the memo line.