Church members say they were praising God, but neighbors say they did so way too loud. Now Metro City Church in Riverview is facing legal troubles.
Judge Randy Kalmbach ruled there is enough evidence for the case to go to trial on Wednesday. The church is charged with 12 counts including disturbing the peace and violating limits on amplified noise. Numerous neighbors have complained about the church’s music.
"It kind of shook the whole house and I just woke up,” said Norman Sutton, who called and complained about the noise on this past Sunday.
Complaints from other neighbors led to the charges. He says the bass is the issue.
The Church says sound engineers came out and measured the volume.
“We are lower than all the standards that applied under the law,” said Pastor Jeremy Schossau.
The pastor says the church wants to be a good neighbor. It has restricted when it uses the amplifiers to a sound check and during Sunday services. The church is moving its service times a half hour later to try to compromise. Services have been held at nine and eleven on Sunday mornings.
“It is inspiring,” said Rosie Robach, a church member, of the music. “It praises God."
“You can praise God, but do it after noon or something,” said Norm. “That would be fine with me.”
As the judge said there is enough evidence for trial, he did give the church an option. He suggested it try to get a resolution from city council specifically giving it the right to play music at the levels it does during certain times.