

Report reveals most dangerous school zones in metro Detroit

Posted at 6:14 AM, Dec 03, 2018
and last updated 2018-12-03 06:14:18-05

As we drive, we think about how long it takes to get somewhere, but how often do we stop and think: how safe is this for kids?

New rankings show Michigan is falling short of keeping children safe, specifically in school zones.

A report from Zendrive shows the best and worst school zones for kids, meaning that drivers are putting schoolchildren at risk.

Whether it's accelerating too fast, braking too hard, or just distracted driving, it seems drivers don't care that kids are nearby, according to the report.

R. Grant Graham Elementary School in Auburn Hills even has someone directing traffic, but according to the report, it has the worst rank in Oakland County.

For Wayne County, Metro Baptist Church in Belleville was one of the bottom-ranked school safety zones. For Macomb County, it's Cross of Glory Lutheran Church and School in Washington.

Monroe and Washtenaw counties saw better rankings overall...but received a "D" grade with Whiteford Elementary and Angell school.

Safety experts have spent years pushing for people to slow down and driving rankings like these prove it's a chief concern, but schools on this list also got bad grades for distracting driving, each earning an "F" for phone use.

The worst driving habits include speeding, phone use and aggressive acceleration. According to the report, the most dangerous school zone times are from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and 3-4 p.m.