

Neighborhood puts vacant building to good use


When a cultural center on Detroit’s east side closed its doors a few years ago, it quickly fell into a state of disrepair.  Illegal scrappers stole the metal, vandals busted the windows, and others filled it with trash.

But, Antonio Boid felt one part of the building was able to be saved - the gym. 

With the help of neighbors, including kids, they spent countless hours clearing away the debris. 

Soon, the basketball court floor was visible and the hoop games began. On any given night, 20 to 30 kids stop by the old gym for a game of hoops. Others come to hang out, and play games.

Despite the condition, Boid, and other neighbors believe it’s saving lives by giving kids in the area something to do.  Instead of roaming the streets, they are playing basketball. 

Kids help maintain the court, but it’s far from perfect. The floor is in need of repair and the backboards needs to be replaced. 

Boid is hoping someone will see how much good the basketball court is bringing to the neighborhood and help donate supplies and time to make some needed repairs. 

“I wish we had better.” said Boid. “But this is the best we can do around here.”

Click on the video player to watch Ronnie Dahl’s full report.

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