A mystery is unfolding in a Detroit neighborhood after mounds and mounds of dirt were discovered dumped on one block.
Just about every house on Inverness Street between Pilgrim and Puritan needs to be torn down.
Neighbors assumed when trucks began dumping off piles of dirt, it was for upcoming demolitions. However, days later there has been no sign of any work being done.
Now neighbors are concerned the dirt has been illegally dumped, and they are also concerned about the quality of the dirt. Could kids even make a mud pie out of it or would they risk being harmed?
Craig Fahle with the Detroit Land Bank Authority tells 7 Action News, it’s against policy for contractors to store dirt on vacant lots and, after sending an inspector out, they believe the dirt is the work of an illegal dumper and the case has been reported to police.
Click on the video player to watch Ronnie Dahl’s full report.
Have a story for Ronnie? Send her an email at ronnie.dahl@wxyz.com.
If you have a problem with a city issued demolition, report it to 1-844-DET-DEMO.