

2nd graders pack lunches for the homeless


Dozens of second graders at UPA Mark Murray Elementary School packed lunches to give out to the homeless.

Students made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, added in a snack and something to drink to the brown bag lunches. 

“We’re trying to help people that don’t have homes and we’re trying to help them get food so they won’t be starving,” says 7-year-old Jalen Jones. 

"Homeless people have to know that they’re not alone and there are people in this world, even 7 and 8 year olds, who care about their well being,” adds 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Armstrong. "Right now we’re learning about individuals that made differences in lives of others so for the kids to get a personal connection we wanted them to essentially make a difference in someone’s life.”

The students packed 200 lunches to donate to the nonprofit International Brown Bag Lunches of Love which will distribute the food to the homeless.