(WXYZ) — Body cameras captured a tense standoff between Macomb County Sheriff deputies and William Kucharski Jr. last week. Deputies responded to a call from his sister that Kucharski had just strangled their father’s Labrador retriever named Punkey and may have been armed.
Related Video: Bodycam shows deputies respond to the home
“As the officers had searched the home it was very clear and evident he had strangled the family pet,” said Commander Jason Abro of the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office.
Kucharski was taken into custody—charged with third-degree animal torture/kill and is locked up on a $150,000 cash bond.
“This dog going through its final moments of its life at the hands of the suspect is pretty traumatic,” said Abro.

Bill Kucharski is the suspect’s father and owner of the dog. He says his son, who is paralyzed and has a prosthetic leg, is getting a raw deal because of his criminal past.
He told 7 News Detroit that his son loved Punkey and that he wouldn't do this.
"He made videos with Punkey. He fed Punkey every day with his bad leg and everything. He’d put Punkey on the couch, hug him sleep with him. There’s no way he would’ve hurt that dog," said Bill Kucharski.
"So what could’ve happened then?" we asked.

"I think the dog died of old age. That dog is 15 years old. The dog, he was going blind, he was deaf, he had hip displacement or something like that," he said.
Kucharski Jr. has a criminal history that includes operating while intoxicated, breaking and entering and larceny. There’s also a trio of felony warrants out for his arrest in Lapeer County: second-degree arson, assault with a dangerous weapon and resisting and obstructing police.
Doctors in Lansing are conducting a necropsy on the dog’s body to determine how it died. Authorities say they are seeing a spike in animal cruelty cases.

“In my 20 years of doing this, this last year and a half, two years would be the most prevalent that I’ve ever seen animal cruelty cases,” said Jeff Randazzo of the Macomb County Animal Shelter.
Bill Kucharski says the alleged the sins of the son are being visited upon the father. He tried to get a new dog after his son was arrested last week, but was flatly denied by a local shelter.

“Whether my son killed the dog or not and I’m saying 'if,' why do I have to be punished for it?” Bill Kucharski asked.
Kucharski Jr. is due back in court next week. He likely won’t be brought up on those other felony charges until the Macomb County Sheriff’s office wraps up its investigation.