

Some Detroit neighborhoods paying higher taxes


There are some neighborhoods in Detroit that are paying higher taxes, but many residents in the areas don't mind as 7 Action News Reporter Jennifer Bisram found out.

Many people who live in the Palmer Woods, Sherwood Forest and Detroit Golf Club neighborhoods along the 7 Mile area between Woodward and Livernois say the city-run program will maintain the quality of life they moved in for.

Starting this year, $250 to $495 will be added annually to their summer tax bills for enhanced security, snow removal and mosquito abatement.

"It will pay for snow removal, it will be pay for the upkeep of the neighborhood in general, so I think it's great," James Fuller said. He lives in Palmer Woods.

One member of Sherwood Forest's Special Assessment Committee tells us that may be because the enhanced services were already in place, but not everyone was chipping in.

Now, she said the city will be evenly collecting and distributing the money, something driven by many in the community and approved by city council.