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How do metro Detroiters feel about a 4-day workweek? The answer is pretty obvious

Posted at 6:55 AM, Mar 06, 2024
and last updated 2024-03-06 06:56:05-05

(WXYZ) — For the past two years, there has been a global push for a four-day workweek. Back in 2022, a study in the United Kingdom allowed 61 companies to take part in a four-day workweek.

The results speak for themselves. A year after the study, 89% of the participating companies kept the four-day workweek structure. 82% saw a positive impact on staff wellbeing, and 50% saw a reduction in staff turnover.

That got us thinking, how would metro Detroiters feel about a four-day workweek.

WXYZ photojournalist Mike Glover went out to talk to people across the area, and the answer is pretty obvious.

"I'd be able to handle all the things at home that I can't really get a handle on. I could spend more time with my family that I can't really do. I could possibly meet a girlfriend and maybe even take her out on dates," Jesse Cook said, who is a the head baker at Star Bakery, said. He told us he works every day of the week, then does another job on the side.

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"I've adjusted to five work days and two days off. Maybe because I am remote, it works out a lot easier for me," Demica Miller said.

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"Overworked can do a lot of things. Burnout, depression, negative coping strategies," Dr. Alex Poznanski said.

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"Being able to get it all out of the way in four days and enjoy a three-day weekend would be, honestly, pretty ideal," he added.

"Health as well. I'd rather have a healthy, happy life, than work myself to where I can't even enjoy the fruit of my labor," Chafon Campbell, the owner of Hair Mood Salon, said.

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"I'm seasonal. A lot of people probably work 2,000 hours per year. I have to work at last 5 1/2 days a week to get to my 2,000, and as the owner, 2,000 is not enough," Dana Stewart, a concrete contractor, said.

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"I would love to have that. It would give me more time to spend with my daughter, it would be like a small vacation throughout the week," Brandon Wright, a delivery driver, said.

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"I don't even know what I'd do with myself. If you gave me two days off, I'd have no idea what I'd even do. I'd probably just go get another job, get bored, start working," Cook said.

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