(WXYZ) — Friday marks International Women's Day, which is part of Women's History Month, being celebrated all month long in March.
In honor of International Women's Day, we hit the streets of metro Detroit to talk to people about the women who inspire them.
The women that inspire me the most are my mother and my grandmother," Adrienne Edmonson said. "My grandmother got her her GED when she was in her 60s, she was a single parent for a long time, was an entrepreneur active in her church. Very stylish. My mom, very well-read, just a very classy person. My mom is in her 90s and she exercises every day."

"The woman who inspires me the most is my daughter," a woman named Angie told us.
"She's fought hard battles and she's really accomplishing a lot with her life and I just really impressed with some of the choices that she's made. I'm proud of her on this day, especially having a day set aside to honor women is a great idea," she added.

"The woman who inspired me is Black. It's my mom," Anthony Nelson told us. "She inspired me as in a way of keep pushing no matter what you're going through. My mom had 10 kids, you know, so everything she went through me, sitting there watching it and all gave me the power and the motivation to keep pushing."

"The woman who inspired me the most is me," Diamond, the owner of Diamond Dogs in Eastern Market said. "I had to inspire myself because my mother passed when I was 3 years old. It was very hard. Very, very hard. I had to walk and talk with God along the way."

"A woman who inspires me, not just one woman, it'll be all of them, all of the mother of my kids," Delanie Allie told us. "To be able to have babies and deal with what you guys deal with. That's a good inspiration. I actually watched the mother of my baby girl, she delivered her by herself. She was like super woman, it was an inspiration for me."

"It gives me great pride and joy to work in a business owned by women, especially Black women, because they offer another perspective that's not respected or easily accessed by the general public," Edmonson added.