(WXYZ) — A new canine court advocate is getting to work with the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office.
Jellybean, half Labrador and half Golden Retriever, will work to serve child and adult victims while they’re in court.
The service dog came from Leader Dogs for the Blind in Rochester.
Photo courtesy Wayne County Prosecutor's Office
The prosecutor’s office says Jellybean will work with Child Advocate Jamie Bucholtz, and will be allowed in court whenever there is a child victim testifying who is under the age of 16.
“The effect Jellybean has on nervous or vulnerable victims really needs to be seen to be believed. She has a calming effect on nervous children and adults who must come to court to discuss difficult facts,” said Child Advocate Jamie Buchholtz in a news release.
Prosecutor Worthy also expressed her excitement to welcome Jellybean to the team.
“Jellybean’s contribution has already been invaluable. She is helping to soothe children and adults who are faced with a difficult and unusual situation. We look forward to her service for years to come,” said Prosecutor Worthy in a release.