DETROIT (WXYZ) — In Detroit with the wind chill, it is about -10 degrees, and the sad truth is that some of the dogs that are left outside in these temperatures are passing away.
So we spent the entire day with a Detroit-based nonprofit that is driving around the city, working to rescue them.

Within minutes of meeting Chantal Rewnicki, also known as a KAREN (K9 Animal Rescue Emergency Network System), we were already working to save three small dogs chained up in the arctic air.
Chantal said what she saw on that run is not legal in the city.
"No, no nothing like this is and technically the chain is supposed to be three times the length of the dog," she said.
"How often do you see a dog like that, that passes away because they are never brought inside?" I asked.
"Oh it happens, we’ve had dogs die in their dog houses with stuffed straw and coats on," she said.
Related Video: Watch the rescue of dogs outside in the extreme cold
In this particular case, she offered the owner free crates, blankets, toys and food to bring the dogs inside.
Charles Wilson, the dog owner, said he was aware of how dangerous the cold temps can be for pets.
"Back in the day I had lost a couple of dogs leaving them out," he said.
He told us it was the lack of crates that was keeping him from bringing them inside.
"If he becomes part of our regular program, we come around once a month, we feed them a meal, we stuff their houses, we give them whatever they need," she said.
Three lives saved is just the start of the day.

Chantal has more than 30 stops on her schedule, number two is a whimpering puppy, reported by nearby construction workers.
The man who answered the door said it was his mother's dog and that he didn't want to come inside.
"I promise you he wants to come in, it’s arctic temperatures, can I try to get him inside?" Chantal asked.

After some treats, a blanket, and a few moments of coaxing, success.
Once four dogs were rescued, it’s time for her to revisit a home from Monday.
Chantal tells me she can’t forget the scene: two dogs chained up outside, one shaking, cowering, injured.
"Both are underweight, both are on illegal chains, this one has an injury to its front leg, that is looking like it’s not new either," she explained.
She offered the owner $100 to take the injured dog.
Chantal tells me she has tried asking city agencies for help in this specific scenario to no avail.
"I got four dogs inside, I ain't got enough space," the homeowner told us.
So now she’ll use the KARENS' money, and work with animal rescue contacts to change the little guy's life.

We saw him riding shotgun, a warm future now within reach.
"This is why I do it, this is your happy ending, this is what we do it for," she said.
How many people do you know that can say they rescued that many lives in the matter of a few hours?
The KARENS are 100% donation based. If you’d like to learn more about them, click here.