

We're gaining nearly 3 minutes of daylight every day

and last updated

While we sprung forward overnight on Sunday and lost an hour of sleep, our days will continue to get longer as we head toward warmer weather and the spring.

One thing that is frustrating about the time change in March is how late the sunrise is. As we get used to sunrises before 7 a.m., after we sprung forward, the sunrise is near 8 a.m.

On Monday, March 13, the sunrise was at 7:49 a.m. and the sunset will be at 7:37 p.m.

However, with that change, we are gaining nearly three minutes of daylight every day. Specifically, 7 First Alert Meteorologist Kevin Jeanes said we'll gain 2 minutes 50 seconds of daylight every day through the end of the month.

By March 31, according to the Time and Date website, the sunrise will be at 7:16 a.m. and the sunset will be 7:56 p.m. in Detroit.

The first sunset after 8 p.m. will come on April 3, and our sunrises will once again be before 7 a.m. starting April 10 with a 6:59 a.m. sunrise.

We'll continue to gain daylight hours until the summer solstice on June 21, and then after that, we'll start losing daylight. At first, it'll only be a few seconds, but starting July 8, we'll lose more than one minute of daylight per day.

What would happen if Michigan kept Daylight Saving Time all year long?

What would happen in Michigan if we kept Daylight Saving Time all year? Several things.

First, as 7 First Alert Meteorologist Kevin Jeanes explained, it would be great in the summer – we'd get later sunsets and the sun rises at a decent hour.

In January though, the sun wouldn't rise until after 9 a.m. That means kids standing in the dark at bus stops, and the volume of traffic is much higher after dark.

Also, because the sun wouldn't rise until significantly later, that means colder mornings with roads staying icy longer.

Throughout winter, the sun wouldn't rise until after 8 a.m. in all of November, December, January and February.

For instance: In June, the sunrise would be at 5:55 a.m. and sunset at 9:13 p.m.

But, in January if we kept Daylight Saving Time, the sunrise would be at 9:01 a.m. and the sunset would be at 6:10 p.m.

6 tips that might prevent a Daylight Saving Time 'hangover'

Losing one hour of sleep doesn’t seem like a lot, but it can really affect your body. That’s because it can take days for your body to adjust and you end up with cumulative sleep loss. That not only makes you fatigued, but it can also mess with your focus and attention span, which can lead to unexpected mishaps.

In fact, research has found that Daylight Saving Time can increase workplace injuries and car accidents too.

Planning for the time change in advance will definitely help. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Don’t start off sleep-deprived. Make sure you get 7-9 hours of sleep every night before the clock springs ahead this Sunday. And if you have kids, as I do, check to see how much they need, as the recommendation varies based on age.
  2. Next, every night head to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual. And get up 15 minutes earlier too. This helps your body transition easier and this small change works great with kids.
  3. And speaking of the beds, avoid electronic devices for 2 hours prior to bedtime. The blue light that’s emitted is very stimulating and suppresses melatonin. That’s the hormone that helps you sleep.
  4. Also, make sure your evening activities are relaxing. Read a book, meditate, or have a nice long bath. But skip alcohol, as it can disrupt sleep. And avoid caffeine four to six hours before bedtime.
  5. Additionally, first thing in the morning, try to expose yourself to the morning light. It helps reset your internal clock. However, if it’s still dark when you wake up, use bright artificial light instead.
  6. Lastly, be sure to exercise as it helps promote better sleep. Morning is best, as it helps you feel awake and revitalized. But the afternoon works well if you can’t fit it in earlier.