

Woman injured by falling tile at Royal Oak bar during Super Bowl half-time show

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ROYAL OAK, Mich. (WXYZ) — When you hear about a Super Bowl injury this is probably not what you think of, in the middle of watching Maroon 5’s Super Bowl half-time show at Rocks on 3rd in Royal Oak, two ceiling tiles suddenly fell, cutting Kathy Vargo’s eye.

She needed 13 stitches.

Bar Owner John Corradi says it was a fluke. He believes sound vibrations from the speakers shook those two ceiling tiles loose.

He’s been in business in Royal Oak for 24 years, and says nothing like this has ever happened before.

Corradi says he’s very proactive in maintaining the building. He called a contractor to come fix the ceiling tiles and make sure all other ceiling tiles are secure.

He says his stomach has been in knots ever since it happened, and he really hopes Vargo will be okay.

Corradi also wants the public to know he is doing everything he can to ensure this never happens again.