The movie "Black Panther" hits theaters today.
A group of students in Ypsilanti got to watch the movie.
"I was really excited about a movie coming out about a black super hero and then when I found out that my school was actually getting tickets to go, I was very excited," said high schooler Melvin Lilly.
One hundred Ypsilanti high school students were treated to the movie after a group called Hero Nation posted a fundraising link hoping to raise money.
Jermaine Dickerson of Hero Nation explained, "We set it for $3,000 and within a couple of hours, we raise $3,500, and it kept going and going until we reached about $10,000 in a week. It blew our expectations out of the water."
Many of these students may not have gotten the chance to see the film, but this is more than a day at the theater.
Senior Jailen Rutledge explained, "This is an amazing experience that Jermaine has gave our school."
Black Panther has a predominantly African-American cast.
Dickerson says it's important for the kids to have a superhero to look up to.
"Help someone discover that potential, that hero inside of them. Today, by them seeing themselves represented in Black Panther, you can go home satisfied with a smile on our face," he said.