DETROIT (WXYZ) — Get Travion on the gridiron, and you might end up only seeing a blur. The sports-loving seventh-grader who is currently in foster care hopes to be adopted soon by a family who also likes sports.
“I'm very, very strong,” said Travion flexing his biceps for the camera. “I like to play football with my friends. Mostly, I like to play football because I get to catch the ball, and I'm really a tough person.”
The 13-year-old is also into basketball, gym, Legos, and reading.
“I would describe myself as a cool person, smart. I wouldn't say nerd because I'm technically not a nerd, but I can get a little nerdy. I'm creative and athletic,” said Travion.
“My favorite subject is mostly social studies because it's about my history. When I grow up, I would like to be an electrician, like build computers and make phones and laptops,” he said.
He’s a big fan of wintertime in Michigan – especially making snowballs and shoveling.
He dreams of living in a family with one other sibling and some dogs.
“I would like a younger brother. With my family, I'd like to go to malls and go to the park and go to school together,” explained Travion.
Travion has been waiting to be adopted since September of 2019.
If you’d like to learn more about Travion, click here.
If you’d like to adopt Travion, call the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange at (800)589-6273.
If you’re not able to adopt, you can still help!
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