DETROIT (WXYZ) — He’s an outdoorsy 15-year-old who loves being around animals hopes a family will adopt him soon so he can share his caring nature with them.
“I plan on being a zookeeper or something like that along those lines,” said Devon, who is currently in foster care in Michigan.
“I used to deal with horses, almost 16 of them. I used to ride them every day, groom them, take care of them, feed them, water them, pick up after them,” he explained.
“My friends say that I'm cool, caring, passionate, nice, strong, smart,” Devon said. “I try to keep it cool, keep it mellow, positive vibes.”
“I hunt, fish, play video games for fun. So, I like outdoors and to be in nature and hear the soothing calming noises of it, just get out there and enjoy the nice days that there is,” he said.
He dreams about what kind of activities he would do once adopted into a family.
“With my family I would like to go on outings, go to the park once in a while, take me hunting, fishing. I'd like to have a job, be productive and make money and just get around and see things,” Devon said.
He’s hopeful that one day he’ll find his new parents.
“Adoption to me is like giving a kid a second chance when they got taken out of their home or something bad happened. It’s giving them a second chance to have a better life,” said Devon.
Devon has been in foster care waiting to be adopted since March of 2019.
If you’d like to learn more about Devon, click here.
If you’d like to adopt Devon, call the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange at (800)589-6273.
If you’re not able to adopt, you can still help!
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