LIVONIA, Mich. (WXYZ) — After a blatant purse snatching in the middle of the afternoon, the victims involved say they are changing their shopping habits as police search for the suspects involved.
Clinging to her best friend Karol and rescue dog Crystal, Patty recalled the terrifying incident that happened leaving the Costco in Livonia on Tuesday around 1:30 p.m.
"I grabbed Karol's purse and I said go take the cart over to the carousel. I put her purse in the car and all of a sudden, I felt someone brush up beside me," Patty said. "I thought he was being rude and trying to get through the cars and the next thing I know, he's grabbing my purse, which was on my walker, hooked on my walker."

Karol says she heard Patty, rushed over and saw her on the ground.
"One second: that's all it took. Jump in, landed on my booty. Wasn't quite the superwoman I thought I was going to be, but he got detained a little bit," Karol said.
Police say the suspect pushed both women to the ground before getting away with Patty's purse.
Patty battled spinal cancer and recently learned how to walk again. Doctors thought she never would.
"This is my worst fear being a senior being on a walker," Patty said.

Both women, in their 60s, say it could have been a lot worse. They chose to keep their last name private for safety reasons
"I got a little bit going on here and I got a big bruise here, but I'll be OK and we're thankful it wasn't more," Patty said pointing to her injuries.
Livonia police are searching for the person responsible and a silver truck they believe is connected to the crime.

"Hopefully, we can get some tips and somebody will be able to give us a hand and tell us where this vehicle may be," Capt. Greg Yon said.
As more people are out shopping during the holiday season, Yon says it's not the time to let your guard down.
"It's really about situational awareness: knowing our surroundings, knowing where you're going, who's supposed to be with you, who's next to you," Yon said.

Patty and Karol agree and say they don't plan to wear purses while shopping to protect themselves.
"You never think it will happen to you, but it did," Patty said.
The friends are sharing their story because they want other people to be mindful, alert and stay off their phones while out.
"Walk to your car, get in, start it, get out," Karol said.

While she is still bruised and shaken up, Patty does not plan on letting the situation keep her inside.
"This will not define me," Patty said.
She's grateful for all the heroes that helped her from police to bystanders to security at Costco. Patty wants to find the young woman they're calling her "angel" who got her walker back from the thief, so that she can thank her.
"Shame on me that my pepper spray was in my purse, but that won't happen again," Patty said.