(WXYZ) — The coronavirus pandemic could last up to two years, that’s according to a team of top experts. In their recently released report, scientists recommend that America prepare for the worst-case scenario.
I know this is not the news that most people want to hear, but let’s be realistic, the number of cases here in the US continue to climb. And that’s one of the factors that this group of experts looked at when they calculated that the pandemic could last between 18 months and two years.
In fact, they predict that the virus won’t stop until 60% to 70% of the population is infected. These experts came to this prediction by looking at a number of different factors - like history and how past pandemics have unfolded.
They also looked at prediction models and the contagious nature of the virus itself. And when comparing it to influenza, they said that COVID-19 appears to spread at a much faster rate than the flu. It has a longer incubation period, and can spread before people experience symptoms, if they get any at all.
Also, the virus has a higher RO number. An RO number tells us how contagious an infectious disease is, indicating the number people that can catch the virus from one infected person. And sadly, these scientists said that even in the best-case scenarios, people will still continue to die.
The report outlines three possible scenarios that might happen:
- In the first scenario, the report says we could see “a series of repetitive smaller waves” taking place during the summer and continuing over the next year or two.
- Scenario number two describes a larger wave happening in autumn or during wintertime. Followed by smaller waves in 2021.
- And in the third scenario, there’s a possibility that we could see a “slow-burn”. Meaning no high waves or high rates of transmission cases, instead just a steady stream of transmission cases.
Now the scientists predict that scenario 2 is the most likely to happen, and this unfortunately is the worst-case scenario.
I’ve talked about vaccines recently, and there is a possibility that one or two may be ready before the end of the year. And if this were to happen, well then yes it’s possible that these scenarios could be impacted.
But knowing science as I do, anything can happen. Meaning that these potential vaccines might not pan out for us. But if they do, which I am hoping one or both will, then it will take time to get them mass-produced.
Let’s stop and think about this, just here in the US alone, we have over 328 million people. That’s a lot of mass production that needs to happen. And that’s why experts say it can take a year or more before a vaccine will be readily available.
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Click here for a page with resources including a COVID-19 overview from the CDC, details on cases in Michigan, a timeline of Governor Gretchen Whitmer's orders since the outbreak, coronavirus' impact on Southeast Michigan, and links to more information from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, the CDC and the WHO.
View a global coronavirus tracker with data from Johns Hopkins University.
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