

Executive order extends enhanced operations for pharmacists and access to prescriptions

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LANSING (WXYZ) — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has signed an extension to an existing Executive Order 2020-56, which gives pharmacists increased operational capacity and increases the public's access to prescriptions, a release states.

“Allowing Michiganders to have access to the prescriptions they need is essential during this crisis,” said Governor Whitmer. “By authorizing pharmacists to refill up to 60 days of medication for their patients, people can reduce their time traveling and stay home and stay safe to slow the spread of COVID-19.”

Under the order pharmacists are able to dispense emergency refills of prescriptions for up to 60 days worth of supply for patients and require insurers to cover early refills for up to 90 days worth of supply during the coronavirus pandemic.

Pharmacists will also be able to dispense COVID-19 treatments according to government-approved protocols under the extended order.

More on the order here.

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