

Trump tweets shot at MI Gov., calls her 'Half Whitmer' & says she's in over her 'ahead'

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(WXYZ) — After a week of contentious back and forth, President Donald Trump has taken another shot at Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Trump has spoken of Whitmer as "the woman in Michigan" in referring to her actions against the COVID-19 virus, saying he had told Vice President Mike Pence not to call her.

"I’m willing to work with anyone as long as we get the personal protective equipment we need for the people of Michigan," Whitmer responded.

She has also said she has a good working relationship with Pence.

Tonight, he took to Twitter to give her a nickname.

While Whitmer has not responded to the president directly, she did tweet about "a good call" she had with Vice President Mike Pence.

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