(WXYZ) — Detroit City Councilmember Raquel Castañeda-López says the city's budget could be better allocated toward other services beyond law enforcement. In Tuesday's 7 UpFront segment, Castañeda-López outlines those programs and how Detroiters would benefit from the expansion of community-driven programs and services.
Castañeda-López developed proposed budget amendments to Mayor Mike Duggan's budget plan for fiscal year 2021-2022. In the five-page outline, Castañeda-López outlines how shifting 12 percent of the Detroit Police Department's current budget to other services, will create more opportunity and positively impact the lives of Detroiters, she writes.
Some of the areas listed included giving the health department an additional $10 million for mobile health units, while also funding health services such as maternal and mental health in the city as well as substance abuse programs. The councilwoman also proposes giving an additional $5 million to city transportation, $5 million to local libraries, and $4 million to affordable housing. Below is the complete proposed budget outline.
Castaneda-Lopez Press Release Budget FY21_22 by WXYZ-TV Channel 7 Detroit on Scribd
Watch Castañeda-López's full 7 UpFront interview in the video player above.