

Grant Me Hope: Fred is an avid sports fan


Striking a yoga pose or swinging a bat.  Both come easily to eighth grader Frederick – who likes to be called Fred.

“I’m very good at sports. If you name it I’ve played it,” he said. “I like doing yoga, practicing yoga poses. It helps with my back problems, and it’s very relaxing.“

He also likes the outdoors – even during our Michigan winters.

“I have this tradition,” explained Fred. “Build two snow forts and you’d make teams, and you’d have a snowball fight!"

He always looks forward to that, school, and his future beyond high school.

“My plan is to get into college for a little bit. And I’d like to go into the Marine as a black ops like you see in the movies,” he said.

He does have aspirations for later in life, too.

“My career after the military would be a social worker/ mentor for kids in foster care. Because I’ve been through what they’ve been through, and I know it’s hard going through times like this. And I’d like to help out other people,” said Fred.

Before all of that, he would love to be adopted into a good family.

“I’m looking for a family that has love and caring. They like to get out and about. They’re not just an inside family,” he said.

And he thinks he’d be a good, thoughtful family member.

“What I like about myself is that I’m caring, loving, and I respect what other people have to say,” he explained. “The fact that no one really cared about me when I was younger, it gives me more reason to care about other people when they have no one to really care for them.”

If you’d like to find out more about Fred, please clickhere.

You can also call the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange at (800)589-6273.