

WXYZ Editorial: Our salute to the 2023 Brightest & Best high school seniors

Editorial on Detroit area Brightest & Best high school scholars
and last updated

DETROIT (WXYZ) — Few things in life bring greater joy than watching a high school graduate walk across the stage to receive his or her diploma. It is the capstone of K-12 education, and it signals that an exciting new chapter of learning or training is about to begin.

That’s why we at Channel 7 are honored to kick off the 44th annual salute to Southeast Michigan’s Brightest & Best. Beginning this weekend, we shine a light on these phenomenally successful students. They have earned the highest academic standing which places them at the very top of their high schools!

These young men and women come from various backgrounds and have taken diverse paths to become academic leaders. We are thrilled to share their stories with all our viewers. All summer long, we will highlight their names, photos, high schools, and their future career goals. Watch for them on Channel 7 and online at

These talented seniors will inspire you. Many had to overcome incredible obstacles in their life. But they share two things in common; their dedication to learning and their perseverance to succeed. Rarely does a scholar do everything on their own. Along the way, a family member, friend, teacher, or community mentor, helped these graduates to achieve their absolute best. It takes a community of support to produce these kinds of results.

Please join us over the next several months as we showcase nearly 200 academic stars. We congratulate this year’s Brightest & Best class, as well as all high school graduates for their accomplishments. Making it across this important finish line prepares them to become our future generation of leaders.

I’m Mike Murri, V.P. & General Manager
Broadcast: May 25 - 28, 2023