

WXYZ Editorial: Springtime fever and opening up Michigan safely

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WXYZ DETROIT — Spring is officially here. COVID-19 vaccinations are being administered widely and the Detroit Tigers' Opening Day is Thursday, April 1. There won’t be the normal size crowd in the stadium, but there will be excited and socially-distanced fans on hand.

All of this signals that Michigan is opening back up slowly and hopefully safely. You can feel it practically everywhere. With a number of restrictions still in place, restaurants and other indoor facilities are welcoming visitors back inside. As the weather improves, more and more people are getting out for walks, relaxation, and recreation. Navigating through the pandemic has been a challenge for all of us.

If you are eligible and want to get vaccinated, now is a good time. Michiganders age 50 and up, plus those 16 and up with disabilities or pre-existing conditions, can now get their shot. At Ford Field, healthcare professionals will be putting 6-thousand doses per day in the arms of Michiganders. The operation will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. for the next several weeks. Vaccines are also available through a number of local pharmacies and Southeast Michigan health departments. We encourage you to visit for more comprehensive information. You can also go to our website to access our COVID-19 mapping and get the latest Michigan vaccine dashboard updates.

Health experts tell us we are in a race against the virus variants. Beating the pandemic will take a community-wide effort. So as you enjoy getting out this spring to eat, socialize, exercise or just visit loved ones, we urge you to follow health and business guidelines. Working together, as one region, we can make Southeast Michigan as safe as possible.

I’m Chuck Stokes, Editorial Director
Broadcast: March 25 - 28, 2021