(WXYZ) — Can we get real? Groceries are so expensive; I'm talking about a 25% increase since 2019! As a family of four with two growing boys, I just want to save while I shop, and I know many of you do, too.
WATCH BELOW: How apps and digital coupons can help you save big on groceries

The first thing that comes to mind when trying to save is couponing. However, searching papers and cutting out deals can be time-consuming and confusing.
But Carrie Walker, a former extreme couponer, has tips for us beginners.
“My rule of thumb is, either I want to buy something that is on sale or it’s on sale with a coupon,” she says.
And finding the deals is oftentimes a click away.

“I mainly use apps, digital coupons. I can probably do it in an hour,” Carrie says.
And the savings can be significant.
“These are normally $6.19, and this week they were 2.99. So that’s definitely the time you want to stock up,” Carrie told us in reference to Lay's chips.
Christine Tankersley knows a thing or two about stocking up, so much so that she donates "Baskets of Love" from her overflow to local charities.

“For me, personally, as a mom of nine children, I was able to stay at home with my children and be that full-time stay-at-home mom because of couponing,” Tankersley says.
Her advice? Search for deals in unusual places like Facebook groups or by emailing the company that makes the products because many will send back coupons.
So, the main takeaways from Carrie and Christine:
- Make a grocery list
- Set a budget
- Download store apps
- Sift through its online coupons and deals
- Pair your list with discounted items and coupons
- Be flexible
“Say I need lettuce,” Carris says. “What I’m going to do is what’s on sale? I’m not just going to buy lettuce, I’m going to compare prices, see if I have a coupon and then I’m going to make my purchase accordingly.”

So, when I wrapped up grocery shopping, it probably took me 15-20 minutes longer than normal, but I was able to save $73.05. I think that’s pretty good for one of my first times.
I hope you come along with me on this journey. Every week, I'm going to be tracking grocery prices and sharing money-saving tips.