

Stabenow focuses on track record, goals for state in her campaign for Michigan Senate

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Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow opens up about her track record and plans for the future. 

Stabenow says this upcoming election is the most important of her life, and details how she's hoping to win votes and distinguish herself from her opponent, John James. 

“I actually was the first woman to beat a sitting U.S. Senator,” Stabenow said. 

For nearly two decades, Stabenow says she's fought hard for Michigan families. A veteran politician serving in Washington D.C., she wants people to know the differences between her and newcomer, Republican John James. 

“My opponent says he’s with Trump’s agenda 2000 percent," Stabenow said. "I’m with Michigan 2000 percent.”

Stabenow adds that some of her top achievements include getting oil and gas drilling banned in the Great Lakes, and preventing the spread of invasive species. She's also proud of eliminating restrictions on small business and voting in favor of supporting Michigan defense jobs. 

Stabenow says she vows to protect Medicare, social security and the Affordable Care Act.

During her political career, Stabenow says she's also behind closing loopholes that allow for gun purchases without comprehensive background checks and dedicated to addressing mental health. 

“The first step in that in Michigan is $27 million in services," she said. "I was just able to announce.”

Stabenow's support of manufacturers and agriculture are among what she's also hoping voters will consider, and as for aging infrastructure, she says no one will work harder to fix the state's crumbling roads. 

“I’ve done it project by project," Stabenow said. "Bringing in almost $100 million to fix Mound Road in Macomb County, which is an example of the horrors of our roads.”

Finally, Stabenow says she's adamant that education must be a top priority, with better funding. She's also very critical of the current administration. 

“My opponent is a supporter of Betsy Devos," Stabenow said. "Her philosophy and actions in Michigan have been extremely negative."