ROMULUS, Mich. (WXYZ) — Airlines and travelers are still dealing with the fallout from Friday’s tech outage.
Some travelers have been stuck at the Detroit Metro Airport since Friday.
VIDEO: Chaos at Detroit Metro Airport after widespread global internet outage:
“The airline keeps delaying the flights and then canceling them,” said Guillaume Richard of Paris.
Guillaume Richard lives in Paris and planned on vacationing in Austin, Texas.
He ended up spending some of his vacation time in Detroit because one of his Delta flights was diverted due to the tech outage.
“They thought it would be better because of our first flight to Atlanta, which was our correspondence originally was delayed, so we would’ve missed our correspondence to Austin, so they thought Detroit would work better, it works just as poorly,” said Richard.

On Friday, Delta, United and American Airlines all experienced issues with their online systems due to a world wide outage.
“I started getting messages on my phone and my computer that flights were canceled,” said Pat Turner of Atlanta.

At the center of this outage is the cyber security company CrowdStrike.
CrowdStrike says a faulty update caused an outage that impacted clients that use Microsoft.
“I’m just ready to be home, I’ve been here for like five days at the competition,” said Jill Plough of Evansville.
Jill Plough is from Evansville, Indiana and came to Detroit to judge and ice skating competition.
Her flight back home was canceled and she is now flying from Detroit to Nashville.

“I looked at alternate flights, the only thing I can do is fly into Nashville which is three hours from home and my husband will come and pick me up,” said Plough.
This outage not only disrupted services at the airport, but at hospitals, college campuses and 911 dispatch centers.
As the airlines continue to fix their online systems, they are offering travel vouchers to people impacted by the outage.
“I thought it would be all fixed and taken care of by today and it’s really scary just a line of code in a computer program caused this,” said Jill Plough.